
A generic container of Wires, ECARules and other edges.

This abstract interface is provided to simplify the implementation of the IAML proof-of-concept editor within EMF as GMF, by moving common containment relationships into a single abstract supertype. In particular:

  1. Within EMF, all instances of model edges (such as ECARules and Wires) should be contained within another model element to prevent the edges from polluting the top-level EResource of the model instance (known as phantom nodes within EMF: see GMF bug 284135).
  2. Within GMF, it is much simpler to support the creation of edge elements if the edge is contained within the element representing the edge source, rather than an arbitrary container elsewhere in the metamodel (GMF bug 249717).

Direct subtypes:

All subtypes: Toggle

Inference Rules






Inherited Attributes



Inherited Children




Inherited References




Inherited Extensions
