Email extends Accessible, ActionEdgeSource, CanBeSynced, ContainsFunctions, ContainsOperations, ContainsValues, ContainsWires, Message, Wireable

A Message sent as an e-mail message to a particular recipient.

An Email is designed to be used in the composition and delivery of mail messages. An Email may specify five directly contained Values, all of which must be type string . If the following Email attributes are defined as Values, they may be set at runtime to programmatically control the sender, recipient or subject of the Email:

  • from, representing the e-mail address of the sender. This Value must be set for an Email to be sent.
  • fromName, representing a human-readable name of the sender. This Value is optional.
  • to, representing the e-mail address of the receiver. This Value must be set for an Email to be sent.
  • toName, representing a human-readable name of the receiver. This Value is optional.
  • subject, representing the subject of the mail message. This Value must be set for an Email to be sent.

An Email contains the Operation send, which will attempt to deliver the current Email instance as described by BuiltinOperation. When an Email is composed, the body of the Email will be composed of all contained Values and their values at the time the Email was sent. The format of this body may use a custom template if this template is specified.

An Email contains the Events onSent and onFailure. These events are triggered once an Email has been successfully delivered and when an Email is unsuccessfully received, as discussed in Event.

An IAML model instance may contain any number of Emails. The storage semantics for a Email follow the storage semantics for its containing scope, similar to the storage semantics for the Frame element.



Implementation Notes

Inference Rules



Inherited Attributes


Inherited Children



Inherited References


Inherited Extensions