MapPoint extends VisibleThing

A single geographical point, as opposed to a location represented by a Map. A MapPoint does not need to be contained within a Map.

A MapPoint represents a single geographical point. A MapPoint may accept and lose focus. The onInput Event can never be triggered for a MapPoint. A MapPoint does not need to be contained within a Map element. When a MapPoint is rendered, all of the contained children must also be rendered.

The fieldValue of the MapPoint is used as the location of the current point. If the fieldValue changes, the rendered map point will be refreshed to the new point. If the fieldValue of the MapPoint is empty, the map point will not be displayed. If the MapPoint is moved to a different location, the fieldValue of the MapPoint should also change, and the onChange Event will be triggeredissue 225 .



Implementation Notes

Inference Rules




Inherited Attributes



Inherited Children



Inherited References



Inherited Extensions