Event extends ActionEdgeSource, NamedElement

The source of a triggerable event for a particular model element.


The onChange event is defined for all Changeable model elements. If the element is a VisibleThing, then onChange is triggered when a control loses the input focus and its contained fieldValue has been modified since it gained focus. For visual elements, onChange will not be triggered while the element still has the


The onInput event is defined for all VisibleThing model elements. The event is triggered whenever its contained fieldValue is modified.

It is not guaranteed that onInput will ever fire; nor that it will fire upon every character keystroke. For performance reasons and to prevent excessive network requests, this event may be buffered during periods of intense input.


The onAccess event is defined for all Accessible model elements, which includes all VisibleThings, Scopes and Emails. The onAccess event may be triggered multiple times within the same request.

  • The onAccess Event is triggered on a VisibleThing when the element is about to be rendered to the client.
  • The onAccess Event is triggered on a Scope when the scope is about to be accessed.
  • The onAccess Event is triggered on an Email when the email is about to be rendered into a static form for delivery.


The onInit event is defined for all Scope model elements, and it is fired whenever an instance of that Scope is initialised. A Frame is initialised whenever the Frame is about to be rendered to the client; and a Session is initialised when it is accessed for the first time by a user.

The onInit event is guaranteed to be triggered once before onAccess is triggered. It is not guaranteed that onAccess will be fired immediately after onInit, and it may never be fired (for example, within a Session that is referenced, but never accessed).


The onClick event is defined for all VisibleThing model elements, and is triggered when the element is clicked by a pointer, or otherwise activated in a manner which simulates such a click. For composite visual elements, a click is bubbled up the containment hierarchy of VisibleThings.


The onSent event is defined for all Email model elements, and is triggered when an Email has been successfully delivered to an outgoing email host. Once an onSent event has been triggered, the onFailure event may still be triggered.


The onFailure event is defined for all Email model elements, and is triggered when an Email could not be successfully delivered to an outgoing email host, according to the local e-mail delivery configuration. Once an onFailure event has been triggered, the onSent event cannot be triggered.


The onIterate event is defined for all DomainIterator model elements, and is triggered immediately after the current instance pointer of a given DomainIterator changes, or the current instance is reloaded through the reload operation.



Implementation Notes

Inference Rules




Inherited Attributes



Inherited Children



Inherited References



Inherited Extensions