Session extends ContainsFunctions, ContainsOperations, ContainsWires, NamedElement, Scope

A user session, which is only accessible by a single user.

Every visitor to a web application is assigned a unique identifier in order to promote them to a user. If a Session is accessed by a user and no association exists between the users' unique identifier and the given Session, then a new relationship is created and stored as part of the InternetApplication. The current user now owns that Session. When this occurs, the onInit event for that Session is triggered.

If the current user restarts their web browser, the user will lose their unique identifier and will be demoted back into a visitor. Once a unique identifier has been lost, there is no way to regain access to a particular Session, and a new Session relationship will have to be defined. Sessions may also time out after a specified period of activity, and this period of activity should be configurable by the model developer.

An IAML model instance may contain any number of Sessions. The storage semantics for a Session are as follows: For a Value directly contained within a Session, any stored value is only accessible to the user that owns the containing Session. Once the Session ownership has been lost, any stored value is no longer accessible. Similarly, the values stored within a DomainIterator (including the current instance pointer) are only accessible to the current user.



Implementation Notes

Inference Rules




Inherited Attributes



Inherited Children



Inherited References


Inherited Extensions