Model Completion: Recompiling the Metrics


The raw metrics used in the ASWEC 2010 paper Non-Montonic Model Completion in Web Application Engineering can be recompiled from source code. In order to obtain correct results, you should follow these instructions below.

Before trying to recreate these metrics, you should make sure that you can checkout and compile a normal installation of the IAML project.

  1. Check out the 2009-12-aswec branch of IAML, and import this into Eclipse 3.5.
  2. Check out revision 122 or newer of iacleaner, and import this into Eclipse 3.5.
  3. Close all of the diagramming projects (*.diagram*) - these aren't necessary for generating the metrics.
  4. Re-generate the org.openiaml.model.edit project from org.openiaml.model/model/iaml.genmodel.
  5. Delete any *.csv or *.log files in the org.openiaml.model.tests project.
  6. Run in org.openiaml.model.tests as a JUnit Plugin Test
  7. Once completed, the following files will be created in the org.openiaml.model.tests:
  8. Use join.php to concatenate the inference .log files together
  9. Remove the following empty, duplicate or invalid test models from both of these results (not removed from the raw metrics):
  10. You should now be able to obtain metrics results identical to those published.


This guide was developed for the following versions of these software components. It may or may not work in any older or newer versions.

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